Saturday, May 28, 2011

Dangaremba and the character of Tambu!

Dangaremba helped me with a connection so great that I never felt I would have in this story. The character Tambu in a way resembles myself alot, which is very interesting. Though I feel I have some of Nyasha as well, but more of Tambu and how she was "trapped". Tambu becomes more of a rebel in a good way to me by standing up to her father. She attends school over the word of Jerimiah, which is her father. He felt she should take n role which did not include school. Myself on the other hand, people have always told me what I need to do in school as far as majors. Those majors were things I did not want to do, and finally i chose my own path of a career. Also she had beeen trapped in the colonial mindset in which I think every human on earth has one way or another done something similar. I find myself today doing things and wearing different clothes I thought I would never wear. Nyasha reflected the old Tambu to me because she was not allowed to attend school , and Babamukuru trapped her in his rule. In my earlier days of high school I elt the same way , not being alowed to do many things, and was driven down one path.

1 comment:

  1. Your connections to the story are very interesting. I hope that as you remake yourself in a way that you feel comfortable with, you are able to create a person you want to be.
