Monday, April 25, 2011

Ngugi Wa Thiong'o Stories

Ngugi Wa Thiong'o had a different perspective compared to other authors I have read this quarter. I feel a major theme in 2 of the stories involving women. Being a man I will naturally take a mans point of view and side. In "Wedding at the Cross" and "Minutes of Glory" helped me connect more on a female's side, and more of a female approach. In the end of "wedding at the cross" in a way I kind of felt a since of pride and was happy with the ending. I was happy because it was as if the woman was actually misrable and could not speak for herself, but at the end she finally did. In "Minutes of Glory" I felt that Beatrice was colonized and trying to be someone she was not.

1 comment:

  1. You make a good point about how these two stories about women present the woman's point of view very clearly. I think you are right that even though it might seem sad, there is a happy side to the ending of "Wedding at the Cross". In your next posting, see if you can incorporate more of your personal experience so that it is clearer how those experiences influence how you interpret the stories.
